Title: The Shadow Cabinet
Author: Maureen Johnson
Genre: Mystery, Thriller, Romance, YA/Teen
Age: 12+
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Why Terantum do you not have a summary of this book before your review? You are asking yourself. Well, I'll tell you why. If I just so happened to give you a summary of this book it would pretty much give everything away with what happened in the second book. And, my friends, since this blog is a spoiler free zone I will not share these spoilers with you. Now on to the actual review.
Not so surprisingly, this book blew me away. Cait told me that this book was the best one in the series so far and she wasn't lying! And plus it has Stephen Dene in it (which I've mentioned like two billion times in my reviews about this series, but it just needs to be said, 'cause he's freaking amazing, so deal with it.) Rory's character has defiantly changed throughout the series. Of course she is still sarcastic and funny, but she has matured a little. She is brave and will do anything to protect her friends. I like this in a main character.
In this book you are introduced to even more new characters (what a surprise...not!). When you meet them you will be confused and possibly even trust them at first, but then you learn their true intentions...
The ending of this book killed me because the next book isn't out yet! No, for those who have read the last book, the ending of this book is not as big of a cliffhanger as the last book, but this book still leaves you asking some questions. The most important question being, "When is Stephen coming back?" Of course.
This book was the bomb digadee. I read this book in a day and I need the next book, like, right now. Need I say more?
Over studied -_- -Terantum
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