Title: Girl Online
Author: Zoe Sugg and Siobhan Curham (Ghost Writer)
Genre: Contemporary, Romance, YA/Teen
Age: 11+
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Summary (Taken from the Goodreads Website):
I had no idea GirlOnline would take off the way it has - I can't believe I now have 5432 followers, thanks so much! - and the thought of opening up to you all about this is terrifying, but here goes...
Penny has a secret.
Under the alias GirlOnline, she blogs about school dramas, boys, her mad, whirlwind family - and the panic attacks she's suffered from lately. When things go from bad to worse, her family whisks her away to New York, where she meets the gorgeous, guitar-strumming Noah. Suddenly Penny is falling in love - and capturing every moment of it on her blog.
But Noah has a secret too. One that threatens to ruin Penny's cover - and her closest friendship - forever.
This book really disappointed me in a couple of ways. To save some trouble I'll list them for you...actually I think that I'll list the pro's and con's of this book...here we go.
1) It was funny and cute
2) Main character was relatable
3) Plot twist was pretty surprising
4) The cover is cute
5) The idea for the book is good
1) The ending
2) Her parents let Penny roam NYC with a strange boy they've never met? Really?
3) No credit to the ghost writer
4) Her blog went viral that fast? Really?
5) Storyline was way too predictable
So, yeah. I guess there is about the same amount of good as there is bad. That's why the book got 3.5 stars.
She was relatable, and I liked that. But, she felt two dimensional to me. She was a cookie cutter girl from a modern teen book. Red hair, check. Self conscious of her looks, check. She's actually pretty, check. Gets picked on, check. Gets apparently mega hot boyfriend, check. Parents don't care about what she does or with whom, check. Need I say more? I think that you got the point.
Eh, I didn't really like him. He was also a cookie cutter boy from a modern teen book. I also didn't like that he got so defensive about what Penny said to him. Also, he should have told her his secret so Penny knew what she was getting into.
This book was "eh". It wasn't good, but it wasn't overly terrible either. If you like fashion, predictable romance, England, or trips you might like this book. I don't know if I am going to read the sequel when it comes out. Maybe I will just to see if it gets any better.
HAPPY JULY FIRST!!!! -Terantum