Wow that escalated quickly straight from a pety rivalry to almost rape to murder. It was like a roller coaster except with horses; starts out slow but once you're in the actual ride it is adrenaline causing and nerve pushing. From death to death this was not what Troy, his friends, and the readers least expected.
The story starts right after Troy Scott's mother dies and we are introduced to a 16 year old with raw emotion of pure grief. It takes his crush, Luz, to get him out of his funk. Once Troy starts working for Luv's and her brother's, who is also Troy's, father at their horse ranch things are set in motion. Friends are made, enemies are challenged but in the end Troy, Gabe, Tom, and Luv can't go back no matter how hard they try. Their lives will be changed forever.
When I picked up this book I expected fluff. I was majorly wrong. It was deep and dark and I loved it even though this one of those books that took me longer than a day to read. This author amazed me and amused me with how words were crafted into a book equivalent of a chocolate cake, both beautiful and delicious.
For a contemporary style book that was deep and dark yet decadent: 4 out of 5 stars
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