Fun Fact: If you read the acknowledgments then you will know that this book's title comes from phenomenon of the same name. Whenever a young adult book that comes out that is based off of a phenomenon or theory I have so much respect for it. (My nerd I showing, whoops!)

A forewarning to anyone who reads this book the romance is pretty much screwed. Just think about it; they're on opposite sides, with each one loyal to their cause. Talk about a star-crossed lovers situation.
Still wondering if you should read this book? My answer to that is if you like romance then, why yes, you should read it. There are so many scenes that are so cutesy and will just woo you. Those scenes my friends, are the ones you will reread about a dozen times just because you want something in your life that cute. Now If only books were reality...
Rating: 4.8 out of 5 stars because well... The story isn't it done we have 2 more books to wait, impatiently I might add, for them to come out.
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