*The following review is totally honest and conversation we had about the book.*
With 14 days left till End of Days comes out it’s time we shared our opinion about this magical book. To give some context clues on how we got the book allow me to explain. For the longest time Terantum and I have been HUGE fans of Susan Ee’s Penryn and The End of Days Series and she decided we would email her about End of Days. Long story short we got two copies of the book because frankly, Terantum is magical.
Cait: Oh my GUSHINESS! What did I just read? Seriously you should have given me this book sooner. Here I thought stopping reading The Wicked Will Rise was going to be disappointing, but oh my gushiness End of Days by Susan Ee was extraordinary, it couldn't have ended better!

Terantum: I know right!!!!! It was so good I think I just died! It ended just like everyone hoped it would! And of course you can't forget how much more romance there is in this one than the previous books ;)
Cait: I'll be the first one to admit we've read A LOT of fallen angel books *cough* Fallen *cough* and many of them have ended horribly *cough* Lauren Kate is terrible at ending books *cough* but it had just the perfect ending. And I will totally agree the romance in this book is SOOO much better. Then you have to enjoy Penryn throughout the story.
Terantum: True dat. Fallen, fallen, fallen...I am ashamed just talking about that book. I agree with the Penryn comment. Penryn is such a strong, kick butt female character. No matter what happens throughout the series she worries about the most important things for the good of the people. It's just an amazing series.
Cait: You also can't forget her (Penryn) hilarious commentary throughout the story. Even when things were at the darkest she still managed to crack a joke that made the reader and the characters around her smile, even Raffe. Speaking of Raffe; with how many takes of fallen angels there is, and watchers for that matter, it's always weird to see how each author has their own take on a certain character.
Terantum: So true. The Penryn and the End of Days series left me laughing out loud more than once. And also speaking of Raffe can we just say that there is finally a male fallen angel who haven't been a complete jerk face. I think Susan Ee did a great job making her characters seem relatable and real.
Cait: Woah if that's what you think then I have introduce you to Micheal from the Entrice series. Wait... you may have a point Micheal is a mortal who's really an angel so you win this round. While I agree with your claim that Susan Ee did make her characters relatable you do have to wonder about the motives of Raffe. Is it really romantic to push someone away?
Terantum: Yeah, it is all sort of confusing and it made me angry at times that he pushed Penryn away, but the entire time I'm pretty sure he had good intentions. I know this is a sin but I'm going to compare him to Will Herondale. Will pushed Tessa away to keep her safe and I'm pretty sure the same thing was going on with Raffe and Penryn. Quick discussion switch: what do you think of Penryn's mom? Like her, hate her?
Cait: At varying times I find it romantic but then again I find it similar to how Edward pushed away Bella because he was a vampire and humans were his prey. On the topic of the mother doesn't she have some kind of mental illness?

Cait: My consensus on the mom is that she's awesome in the apocalypse but would be a terrible normal life mom. Penryn is a ton more independent then Bella to the point when he tells her to hide she protects the human race instead. What's your opinion on this take of the watchers (Fallen vs. End of Days)?
Terantum: I really liked the take on the watchers. I thought it was very original, but I did wonder why there wasn't more watchers who were pro human. I think that Susan Ee really thought through this concept of the watchers and did a lot of research. What about Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. Thoughts on their "talent show"?
Cait: I wondered that too but I guess what was going through their minds was they hated the thing that betrayed them the deepest. For a big Alice in Wonderland fan Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum were some of my favorite characters. Truly I found them to be geniuses, using humans necessity to be a weakness against angels in order to turn the tides was truly something that made me wonder if things that make our generation looked down upon might be our savior. What about Paige and cannabilism being something to create a cult around?
Terantum: That was very weird, but if guess it made sense for the dystopian time that they were in. Eating others or sacrificing yourself was some of the only options available. I still think it was weird that people were lining up to sacrifice themselves for Paige, but Paige was still human enough to know it wasn't right to eat people. What did you think of the angel's version of government? The battles and such.
Cait: Ah a world where cannabilism is key to the survival of the world.
The biggest question that came to me throughout the series was "aren't Angels suppose to protect us?" So their 'government' was awful to me. Killing things you are suppose to protect to prove you are better then each other? How in the world does that make sense?
Terantum: I have no clue. What I think they author was trying to convey though was that we as humans kill animals without a second thought, and in war we kill each other and count it as acts of heroism. So, when the angels are killing the humans I think it's trying to be the same point. It's very sick, but also understandable in a sick way.
Cait: And now you see where I loose my faith in humanity. We're absolute douches to everything around us and we don't even think about it.
With that in mind what was your favorite part of the book and what was your least favorite?
Terantum: Most favorite: the part at the end with Dee and Dum and the "talent show" to distract the angels.
Least favorite: when Penryn and Raffe went down into the pit and had to get all of his watcher group out.
What about you?
Cait: Favorite: The jokes that the watchers were making about Penryn and Raffe, and Raffe's protectiveness over her during this time.

And with that I think we've discussed this enough to come up with our final rating.
Terantum: Final rating: 4.5 out of 5
Cait: Final Rating: 4 out of 5, wonderful book that I love dearly but things were lacking in areas.
With that we sign off and wish you luck in your fangirling endeavors :)
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