FINALLY!!! I’ve been waiting to read this book for about 6 months now, and finally was I able to put my hands on the long awaited sequel to my favorite series based off of a scientific hypothesis.

If you want to compare the book to the last book then I will admit the first book is better than this one. Truly my opinion is that this book is just setting it up for the next book because we, as the readers, receive a lot setup and new characters being introduced who we expect to play a bigger part in the book to come.
About the actual content about this book, character’s pop out of nowhere to surprisingly be best friends with some character or enemies of another and important characters like Arin’s cousin are basically rendered useless. This became a pet peeve of mine. With the introduction of brand new characters the story becomes less about the plot and more about finding a reasonable excuse of why they’re there.
Update on the Arin and Kestral romance: all they needed to do was talk to each and get their ego’s out of the way and then everything would have been perfectly fine, but NO that’s not going to happen. Ughhh.... sometimes character’s confuse me. If you love the person you should tell them things! Also if you wanted romance you will be disappointed.
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars.
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