Friday, May 8, 2015

Parents Shouldn't Read to Their Children?!

Disclaimer:  This is going to be a very short blog post with a lot of ranting.  This will include purely my opinions.

Hello, everyone!  Please, just take a second and think about every dystopian novel you have ever read.  Now, I bet that book had one major thing in it:  an oppressive government.  In these worlds, governments take away everything that makes us human to make us become more "obedient", so that we can live in a "utopia".  Now, I was reading an article this morning and basically it said that some snooty professor at a University in England says that parents shouldn't read to their children because (and I quote), "They are unfairly disadvantaging other people's children."  That's the biggest load of bull crap I have heard in my entire life.  If reading is such a disadvantage, then what about the kids that get no food?  Should parents all starve their children so it can be fair?  And here's the kicker, Australia wants it to become a law that parents shouldn't read to their children!  This is the beginning of a sick dystopian novel!  Not only are we taking away time for parents to bond with their children, but we are also taking away any chance of children ever loving or wanting to read books!  Personally I think that this is stupid and that something should be done about this, because if this becomes a law in the US (god, I hope it doesn't) then I will be the first one to be breaking the law, 'cause there's no way I'm not going to read to my children.  Also, am I the only one who was reminded of "To Kill a Mockingbird" when you just read about this?  You know, in the book when Scout goes to school and her teacher's all like, "Your dad taught to read wrong and now I'm going to teach you the right way.  Tell your dad never to read to you or to never let you read at home."  This is all sick.

If you want the full article:

Dystopia's are overrated -Terantum

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