Monday, January 12, 2015

Ensnared by A.G. Howard

*The following text is an honest, spoiler free review. Please enjoy.*

For the last 5 days I’ve been putting off writing this review until I knew what to say… and I will admit I still somewhat don’t. So here it goes, my attempt to put my mind around the concept that my favorite series just ended:

Hey potential readers, if you have been hesitant on reading this series with the entire a-lot-of-good-characters-who-are-mostly-main-ones-die syndrome I need to tell you this: no one you love dies. I should probably mentioned that was a tad bit of a general spoiler… sorry readers. No, but the ending was absolutely amazing. I cried because of how perfect the ending was and that is saying something.

After the Red Queen and Sister Two crash the prom and take Morpheus and Jeb to the looking-glass dimension Alyssa will do anything to to get them back, and rescue her two worlds from utter chaos. Alyssa will have to give it everything, her heart and soul, in order to win back her crown and save everyone. In the midst of beauty and chaos will she manage to make peace with her two sides to pull it off?

A. G. Howard has really outdone herself this time, and she left enough room for the fandom to continue to thrive especially with a lot of area for fan fiction to be made, or even a sequel series if she would want. I look forward to what A.G. Howard will write next and I expect it to be as good or better than these last four books. I feel sad that this is the end. Bye characters I loved, I shall read about you again in my rereads of the series.

Rating: An amazing all out of the thousands of moths in the flying moth carpet that Morpheus flies with, and let’s add in a flying cane just for extra measure. Hmmm I think that means a 100% percent is in order 5 out of 5

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