Thursday, March 5, 2015

The Madness Underneath by: Maureen Johnson

Title:  The Madness Underneath
Author:  Maureen Johnson (aka:  The Genius/Creator of Stephen)
Genre:  Romance, Paranormal, Thriller, Mystery, YA/Teen
Age:  13+
Rating:  5.5 out of 5 stars (it deserves an extra .5)


After her near-fatal run-in with the Jack the Ripper copycat, Rory Deveaux has been living in Bristol under the close watch of her parents. So when her therapist suddenly suggests she return to Wexford, Rory jumps at the chance to get back to her friends. But Rory's brush with the Ripper touched her more than she thought possible: she's become a human terminus, with the power to eliminate ghosts on contact. She soon finds out that the Shades--the city's secret ghost-fighting police--are responsible for her return. The Ripper may be gone, but now there is a string of new inexplicable deaths threatening London. Rory has evidence that the deaths are no coincidence. Something much more sinister is going on, and now she must convince the squad to listen to her before it's too late.
In this follow-up to the Edgar Award-nominated THE NAME OF THE STAR, Maureen Johnson adds another layer of spectacularly gruesome details to the streets of London that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.  (Taken from the Goodreads Website)


Mhhmmm, yep this series does get better and better as you keep reading it.  And bonus .5 points to Maureen Johnson because it includes Stephen Dene in this book!  I'm interested in how Rory and the team is evolving in their emotions/character building, because so far a lot has changed in them in two books.  I don't know if I liked this book better or the same as the first one.  They are both good, don't get me wrong, but I think I like both of them about the same.  Maybe, I have a little more feelings for this book because of a certain scene at the end of the it and find out!
I'm not going to do a character analysis of this book because this book follows the same characters as the last one, with only a few new characters added.  If you want to see character analysis check out my "Shades of London" post or my last post I did. 
Seriously though guys, the ending will kill you.  I almost cried when I read it...I didn't even cry when Dumbledore or Dobby died, and that's saying a lot!

Btw is the actual book score:

Terantum: 2
Cait: 2

I recommended you "The Madman's Daughter" and "The Lux Series", so I guess we are even.

That's all folks (see you Saturday) -Terantum  

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