Sunday, February 8, 2015

Killer Instinct by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

*The following text is an honest review. Mild spoiler warning as of now. Please enjoy.*

For murder and mystery in a YA book always go to Jennifer Lynn Barnes and Killer Instinct was no exception. While this is the second book in the natural series my feelings about it are somewhat mixed but to catch you up to speed here’s what happened.

The FBI finds, tracks, and then recruits these teenagers who have special skills like being a human lie detector or can read emotions. All of these teens live under one roof and come from messed up families anywhere from serial killer father or a con artist for a mom. Cassie Hobbes mother died/disappeared at a young age and no one knows what happened to her. Fast forward unto present, she is now solving crimes like her crush’s father’s new murder scheme. Just so you know the father is in jail so no one knows how he’s pulling that off until like 20 pages until the end.

So here’s my mixed feelings: I thought it was a good book but here’s where it went wrong. It deals with another plot revolving around a serial killer who follows another person's MO which ALWAYS has to do with a main character’s messed up parents. Then there’s the plot holes like how if the guy is a famous serial killer why you would let him have contact to the outside world without monitoring it, or how Sloane, no matter how smart she is, would not be able to get away with sledge hammering things in the basement all the time. But on the bright side I got the phrase “horizontal mambo” out of it.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

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